- Android SDK with API level 17 and above is available.
- Ruby 1.9 and selenium - webdriver gem is installed.
- OS variable ANDROID_HOME is pointing to SDK folder
Here are Quick Steps to Setup and Run Sample App using ruby selenium webdriver.
- Download latest Appium for Windows from https://bitbucket.org/appium/appium.app/ , unzip it.
- Start Emulator or Connect your Device using USB.
- Download ContactManager.apk from https://github.com/appium/appium/tree/master/sample-code/apps/ContactManager
- adb install ContactManager.apk.
- Click on Appium.exe from unzipped folder and Start Appium Server by clicking on Launch Button with Default parameters.
- Run below ruby code from cmd / irb
require 'selenium-webdriver'
capabilities = {
'device' => 'Android',
'browserName' => '',
'platform' => 'WINDOWS',
'version' => '4.2.2',
#'app' => 'http://localhost/ContactManager.apk',
'app-package' => 'com.example.android.contactmanager',
'app-activity' => 'ContactManager'
server_url = ""
@driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for(:remote, :desired_capabilities => capabilities, :url => server_url)
btadd = @driver.find_element(:name, "Add Contact")
textfields = @driver.find_elements(:tag_name,"textfield")
@driver.find_element(:name, "Save").click()
ReplyDeleteI'm trying to do your thing but I've got this error : C:/Ruby193/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/protocol.rb:146:in `rescue in rbuf_fill': Timeout::Error (Timeout::Error).
It's the first time I'm doing automation on Android device. Genymotion is runing, I can see the device with the command "adb devices"
"List of devices attached device"
Appium.exe is running Node server.
I'm in Rubymine. I've installed a good COntactmanager on the fake device, app is ok manually.
I'm runing your script with this parameters :
capabilities = {
'deviceName' => 'Android',
'browserName' => '',
'platformName' => 'Android',
'version' => '4.4.2',
'app' => 'http://localhost/ContactManager.apk',
'app-package' => 'com.example.android.contactmanager',
'app-activity' => 'ContactManager'
And TimeOut...
I don't even know if I can reach my emulator.
Can you help me on this ? It's been 10 days I'm trying, I'm completly lost !
thanks a lot
can anyone explain it detail about installation